[CQ-Contest] Contesting with 100w

Bill Coleman aa4lr at arrl.net
Tue Nov 13 16:07:50 EST 2001

On 10/31/01 11:06 AM, Mr. Mecseri at loumecseri at bestnetpc.com wrote:

>Have anybody had a good RUN of contest QSOs from the U.S. mainland using
>100 watts and a multi band Vertical antenna? 

I think the operative words in this sentence are "good" and "mainland".

I had a couple of fair runs in NAQP in both CW and Phone with 100 watts 
to a R7000. I've had more success with a low 80m doublet. I'm not that 
great a CW operator, but on phone I've had the rate meter over 100 in 

If you mean for DX contests, then you may be out of luck. A multi-band 
vertical isn't a good DX antenna unless it is on the beach of a rare 

>If yes, what is your secret?

I don't think there are any "secrets", per se. You just apply your 

One thing I've discovered is that with low power (and crummy antennas), 
it doesn't always pay to be where all the action is. You have to be heard 
above the din. Like in SS phone last year. Everyone was on 10m at the 
start, and I couldn't get through. So I made tracks for 20m. I found a 
relatively clear frequency and got a few good runs going.

The main thing to realise is where your station is effective. The R7000 
doesn't seem LOUD to me on any band except 40m. On 20-10m, you're 
contending with stations that have beams.

You have to figure out where your station is effective.

>Was ever a 100 watts / Vertical category considered as a Class for

In CQ WPX, you can enter in the TS category. It's known as TS with no T.


The main thing you learn in contesting with LP and a crummy vertical is 
to maximize your opportunities and cut your losses. S & P is mostly what 
you do. Become really good at it. Realise there are times when the other 
guy just can't hear you. Don't waste your time calling him 4 or 5 times. 
For me, it is twice, maybe three times, and I move on. 

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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