[CQ-Contest] Antenna Switch Relay Inquiry

Mike Gilmer - N2MG n2mg at contesting.com
Thu Oct 4 08:05:46 EDT 2001

This might be better addressed on the TowerTalk 
reflector, but here goes...

Usually, folks get away with using relays with 
10A/250V rated contacts.  Works well if you avoid hot 

Curious: What kind of relay are you looking for SPST, 

73 Mike N2MG

On Thu, 04 October 2001, "Mark, WT6P" wrote:

> I am interested in building a multi-antenna switch, similar to the one in
> the ARRL 2001 Handbook.  I have tried to find the relay used in the article,
> but can't.
> I know someone has built something like this.
> Finally, the question...What contact rating should I be looking for?  I want
> to build it to handle 1500 watts (future plans!).  This will NOT be hot
> switched, only used with a band decoder to select antenna, then run RF
> through after contact closure.  I will be driving the relay with 12vdc.

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