[CQ-Contest] CQ Asks Contesters to E-mail All Logs

KI9A at aol.com KI9A at aol.com
Wed Oct 17 22:56:36 EDT 2001

In a message dated 10/17/01 3:36:10 PM Central Daylight Time, 
w2vu at cq-amateur-radio.com writes:

Due to security concerns, CQ Communications Inc. is asking all participants
in CQ-sponsored amateur radio contests to submit their logs electronically

Am I the only one who thinks this a knee-jerk reaction??  
I would have NO problem opening mailed logs up,  c'mon folks, I'm very sure 
these terrorists are well aware of CQ magazine!?  ;-) High priority target? 

BTW, did you know , on average, 12 people die, each month, slipping in their 
own shower?? Better watch taking a shower folks, you are 12 times more likely 
to die there this month, than you are to die from anthrax!


73/Chuck KI9A

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