[CQ-Contest] A sad day in contesting...is N6TJ over the hill?

Jim White, K4OJ k4oj at tampabay.rr.com
Thu Oct 18 02:02:43 EDT 2001

A couple of years back N6TJ told someone on this reflector (CQ-Contest) that
if contesting was their priority then they should move their QTH to one
which would fit their priority schedules...no he says just move the CQWW
weekend...someone has changed their attitude towards contesting - heah Jim -
you wanna sign up for the 30 hour age challenged category next?

This is almost as screwy as his suggestion that the ARRL move Sweepstakes if
it would end being collided with by the CQWW...why Jim?  Any historians out
there care to tell me which contest has been running longer?  Or is SS less
important since it is not Worldwide?

If the SS - a predominantly US contest was on the same weekend as
Thanksgiving there would have been a lot of eyebrows raised...why did ARRL
pick that weekend for their premier contest event?  But they did not do
that - but you feel they should move their SS...huh?

CQWW is perhaps the most successful contest run (next to the Florida QSO
Party) and you say there is something wrong with the don't fix what ain't
broke theory?

Face it - US activity is down because the new US hams are all communicators
and not operators...the Euros are running slightly behind us on the
evolutionary curve of hobby maturation and this is their what "sixties" or
"seventies"...so...they have lots of activity just like there was in the
states cycles ago.

....we have amongst us a large crop of guys who have no idea what their CQ
(or IARU)  zone is much less understanding the continental difference
associated with 2 vs. 3 point QSOs...but they can tell you about the
frequencies of all the repeaters in their metropolitan error - after all
they are hams and that is what is important to hams, isn't it?

Don't blame the weekend - based on some of the scoring N5TJ has done
recently I kinda doubt he found it to be a problem!

I admire your ongoing love of contesting but on this one N6TJ - You Are
Wrong!  ZD8AARP???

Long Live CW!

Jim, K4OJ

You will take my Bencher paddle away from me only after you peel my cold
dead fingers from it!

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