[CQ-Contest] Echo
Soro Roberto
roberto.soro at sia.it
Tue Oct 30 14:39:44 EST 2001
I was at IU2M M/S and on sunday,
I don't know if they were echoes or multiple paths, or aurora's,
or a mix of all those things together, but it is true that
when I first heard XP1AB on 10m they were quite loud
but hardly understandable due to a bad audio like
if their PA was AC powered instead of DC at the final stage.
I wasn't even able to break through and I had to wait till
one hour later to score their mult,
when they were even louder with quite a clean sound!
Then, around 1800z on 15m, I had quite a good opening to west coast
and had half an hour at 250/h rate but a lot of W6 and W7 were coming
in with the same sound of XP1AB.
mailto:i2wij at qsl.net
>> in this contest. Conditions were very good early on, and
> then at about
> 1700Z on Sunday I began to hear the flutter of aurora on some signals.
> Earlier in the contest, ........
> and heard echoes on a couple UA0's
> that were so bad
> I couldn't understand what they were saying.
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