[CQ-Contest] Comments on the 2000 CQ WW CW Results

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Tue Sep 4 11:56:14 EDT 2001

K1AR wrote:

>I'm now even more inclined to strive to join that sub-1% club.

        I noticed something which underscores John's comment for the
CQ WW.  Assuming a 1X penalty (as ARRL uses) instead of CQ's 3X penalty,
I calculated that K1AR would have won by a hair.  Especially in the CQ WW,
I like to remind myself that the only rate that counts is NOT what is
on the rate meter but accurate QSO's less penalties per hour.  Still, an
outstanding job by both and special kudos to N6RT for a total -2.51% score

                                                73,  Bill  W4ZV

Published Score    with 1/2 QSO-point loss (2X total instead of 4X total)

K1AR:  8,559,474     8,925,116
K5ZD:  8,756,568     8,921,956

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