[CQ-Contest] Sept-Oct NCJ arrives

K4tmc at aol.com K4tmc at aol.com
Mon Sep 10 14:08:36 EDT 2001

Greetings contesters...Another great day at the PO box, NCJ arrived.

Front cover inset photo of KP2L sitting at the operating position with background photos of the Caribbean Contesting Consortium’s Signal Point station location, with a related feature article inside.

Some Facts of Life About Modeling 160-Meter Vertical Arrays, Part 5, The Use of Multiple Ground Qualities in Lieu of Radials (by W4RNL, L.B. Cebik)
ARRL Club Competition, Status Report from the Contest Advisory Committee, July 2001
Resuscitation of a Caribbean DX Legend (cover story)
JOTA 2001, Scouting and Ham Radio, Together Again in 2001
Why I Don’t Do SO2R (by K3ZO)
NCJ Profiles – A Texan Rides West, Tom Taormina, K5RC

VHF-UHF Contesting – 1st-Ever Pacific Northwest/Europe 6-Meter Opening!
RTTY Contesting – A Visit to North Caicos for the 2001 ARRL RTTY Roundup
Contest DXpedition List – for 2001 CQWWDX SSB/CW and 2002 ARRL DX CW/Phone
Contesting For Fun – Greetings from new columnist, K7RE, Brian Kassel
Contest Expeditions – Rent-a-QTH’s in PJ2, EA8, CE0Z, HI, P4, & 4U1VIC
Propagation – Exceptions to the Rule
Contest Tips, Tricks & Techniques – Station Layout, Part 2
Contest Calendar – September to December 2001
International Contests – NA results from 2000 JIDX Phone, 2000 OK-OM DX, 2001 UBA, 2000 Oceania DX, 2000 Canada Day, and Score Rumors for 2001 All Asian DX CW

Results – January 2001 NAQP CW
Results – January 2001 NAQP SSB

That’s all.  Only 46 more days till CQWWDX SSB…BE THERE!!!

73 & High Rates,
Henry Pollock – K4TMC
Raleigh, NC 

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