[CQ-Contest] Headphones and Uninterruptible Power Supplies

Ron Klein - W0OSK w0osk at ix.netcom.com
Mon Sep 10 15:15:46 EDT 2001

REA is short for Rural Electrification Administration. That was a 
funding vehicle used by the federal government during the Roosevelt 
administration and beyond to get affordable electricity into the rural 
areas of the US. There were other ways, but that stimulated 
availability to folks living in isolated (compared to urban) areas.  


Ron - W0OSK

On 9 Sep 01, at 19:38, Robert Shohet wrote:

> Hi Ron,
> What's an REA?
> 73
> Bob KQ2M
> > 
> > I am on an REA here in Colorado. Several years ago they began 
> > offering customers the option of installing a surge protector at the 
> > meter, which is what I have done. That may help with the transient 
> > concern. I still use local surge protectors on the computers in 
> > addition to the whole house protection at the meter. 
> > 
> > That, of course, doesn't help with the short outages that a UPS 
> > would cover, but would add some protection for the 220 amps.
> > 
> > 73,
> > 
> > Ron - W0OSK
> > 

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