[CQ-Contest] Fw: [CANADA_CONTEST] World Trade Disaster Amateur Radio Nets

Yuri VA3UZ ut4uz at idirect.com
Wed Sep 12 09:35:47 EDT 2001

> Amateur radio frequencies for nets operating to assist in traffic
> the World Trade disaster have been set up on the ODXA web site at
> www.odxa.on.ca This list is probably not complete as new nets are
> being established but some of the major ones in action are listed.
> Many Canadian amateurs have already been calling in to offer their
> assistance which I'm sure is much appreciated in this difficult time.
> ....................................................................
> Don Cassel VE3BUC                         Webmaster ODXA
> ....................................................................
> ODXA Home Page:     http://www.odxa.on.ca
> Email:             <mailto:ve3buc at rac.ca>
> Home Page: http://www.qsl.net/ve3buc/

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