[CQ-Contest] Sprint QSY Rule

Chris Allingham ve3fu at rac.ca
Fri Sep 14 00:44:39 EDT 2001

At 12:56 PM 9/13/01 -0700, N6TR wrote:

>My first question would be - "Why do you ask?".

I heard someone (someone in the top 10 claimed scores) break this rule and 
it got me thinking about if and how breaking this rule is detected.  That's 
it.  Just plain old curiosity.

I am NOT accusing anyone of deliberately breaking this rule.  If anything, 
I respect this persons ability to run up such a great score in the 
Sprint.  Everyone makes mistakes.  I know I've made mine in the Sprint, and 
me and whoever was on the other end of the QSO will end up paying for it :=)

Keep up the great work Tree, both in the Sprints and other contests you 
write log checking software for!  The information you provide is invaluable.


Chris VE3FU

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