[CQ-Contest] Tropical Storm Warning

Ron Wetjen wd4ahz at gte.net
Fri Sep 14 20:00:01 EDT 2001

TOMK5RC at aol.com wrote:
> In the midst of the other news, there is a large tropical storm going 
> ashore in Florida.

A quick update ...

Tropical Storm Gabrielle came ashore near Venice, Florida this morning 
(yes, the same Venice that was part of the terrible news earlier this 
week) with around 70 MPH winds.

With rain saturating the ground most of the week, the major damage is 
downed trees and power lines.  About 260,000 people in Sarasota and 
Manatee County still without power, and may take up to 2 days to 
restore in some areas.

Contesters (K5KG, W4ZW) and other Amateurs, have reported antenna 
damage.  As power is restored, may receive more reports from other 
contesters in this part of Florida.

What a week ...

73, Ron   WD4AHZ
Emergency Coordinator, Sarasota County ARES

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