[CQ-Contest] NA Sprint SSB this weekend cancelled

Tom Frenaye frenaye at pcnet.com
Fri Sep 14 13:22:46 EDT 2001

> I am not able to post to the reflectors at this time, so please post this 
> message for me to the appropriate places. 
> As SSB Sprint Manager, I am cancelling the SSB Sprint scheduled for 9/16 0000Z. 
> This is being done in respect to all affected by this week's events, and also to eliminate 
> any possibility of interference from the contest with emergency communication that 
> may be going on. 
> Thank you and 73, 
> Jim Stevens, K4MA 
> Regards, 
> Jim Stevens 
> Program Manager, Microsoft Business Relationship 
> IBM Personal Computer Division 
> 919-543-7641 
> Fax: 919-543-0391 
> Internet: jimste at us.ibm.com

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