[CQ-Contest] M/M power and maximum legal

Marijan Miletic, S56A artinian at siol.net
Tue Sep 18 09:36:26 EDT 2001

"I hereby certify that I obeyed contest rules and radio regulations of my

This is the declaration we sign when supplying our scores!  We do NOT cheat
in our civilised societies, do we?

I know that Italy has outdated telecom laws permitting only 300W input power
but this in not an excuse to run excesive power!
The recent CQ WW rules on 1.500 W were introduced late.  Both M/M records
were made last year with much higher power...

Imagine for example KC1XX feeding USA legal 1.500W RF power into each of his
8 stacked Yagis on 10 m!  I guess he should offset each of them a bit :-)

GL RTTY & do not blow too much hardware early!

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: IT9GSF Fabio Grisafi
  To: cq-contest at contesting.com
  Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 11:08 PM
  Subject: [CQ-Contest] M/M power and maximum legal

  Hello from Italy,

  a friend in Italy told me that all the stations during the CQWW contest
  use a maximum of 1500 Watts output and that
  the maximum power is not yet related to the maximum legal power... or
  better, the maximum usable power is the legal power when it doesn't exceed
  1500 W.

  My question is.... what about stations using different amplifiers with
  different antennas fed by the same exciter ?

  For example, a station can have Antenna 1 on 20 mts to the JA direction
  1000 W and Antenna 2 to the USA
  direction with 1200 W. Is this station legal or not ?

  If you consider the E.R.P. minus the antenna gain the power will not
  the maximum power to any direction, but if I
  use 5000 W to a dipole I will not be legal but my signal strenght will be
  lower, but I will have a very large target area.

  Personally, I don't believe that power is a primary task for contest
  winners... first you should consider other factors as
  antennas, propagation, operators skill, etcetera....and then power if it
  not 100 W.

  Expecially in a MULTI/MULTI, to have six 3 KW amplifiers with power line
  problems due to the excessive power cosumption
  is not so competitive as to have six 1 KW amplifiers well running without
  power problems.

  Now, please, let me say that this time we are preparing the CQWW Contests
  from IG9A and we are not so happy because of
  the brutal attacks we had in New York and Washington (I say WE because it
  was an attack to the umanity and we think that
  american people should know that they are not alone.  Personally, I do
  some money in the NYSE, NASDAQ but I
  didn't change because they (the terrorists) want we do that. I hope the
  world awake and react with peace and progress.
  (This was the name of a communist radio in the 70s and 80s, but I am not
  communist, HI HI).

  So, I wish to thank all those friends that are working to make the IG9A
  effort a real thing !

  We see many hams all over Italy (but USA and Europe too !) working on
  antennas, software, interfaces, radios, cables, towers,
  rotators, filters, beverages boxes, power splitter, amplifiers, and so on.

  We plan to use special phased antennas this year with different heights
  the sea.

  The CQWW adventure is, of course, a full year effort !

  Also special thanks to Antonello, IT9EQO, President of ARI-RG, for his
  support and Flavio, IV3TMV, for his hardwork in antennas,
  all the friends from M.Capra Contest Group (IQ4A) and all the MCC, Marconi
  Contest Club, members and Giorgio, I2VXJ.

  Thanks also to Mario, I2MQP, for his support, again this year, in being
  QSL manager.

  Some of the operators will be 9H1EL, 9A6A, SV8CS, I4VEQ, I4TJE, I4EAT,
  IT9CHU, and others coming from many parts of the world.

  We are still looking for a high speed pile-upper for 15 or 20 meters band
  operation. If you are a well known contester send an e-mail
  to my personal address... you will receive an application form with some
  skill questions.

  I wish to excuse me with some contesters that have already sent their
  application, if you didn't get an answer from me, please,
  send an other e-mail (we had some problems with an e-mail account).

  See you during the CQWW RJ RTTY Contest.... we will be QRV from Lampedusa
  Island, African Italy, as IG9A M/S, with YL2KA,
  YL2CW, and other operators that will drive all over Europe by car to reach

  Best 73 and CU IN TEST,
  Fabio, IT9GSF...................one of  ( I G 9 A ).

  CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
  Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com


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