[CQ-Contest] Output pad for running QRP?

k8cc k8cc at mediaone.net
Fri Sep 28 00:17:49 EDT 2001

At 07:58 AM 9/27/01 -0700, KEN SILVERMAN wrote:
>What is the best way to attenuate the output of a 100w transceiver to
>achieve 5w output?  My current radio puts out around 10 watts when the level
>is at the minimum.


The VHF guys sometimes introduce a fixed negative voltage on the 
transceiver's ALC jack to reduce the power output to drive 
transverters.  We just did this a couple weeks ago here at K8CC with an 
IC-756 and a Downeast Microwave 222 MHz transverter and it seemed to work fine.



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