[CQ-Contest] New Contesting Radio?

BobK8IA at aol.com BobK8IA at aol.com
Sat Apr 6 07:23:24 EST 2002

>From http://www.tentec.com/TT565.htm

"Instant Two Radio Mode" allows ORION to instantly QSY between two different
bands. Two linear amplifiers, two sets of accessory devices via dual band data
outputs and two antennas can optionally be connected to ORION to allow
instantaneous QSY.

Unfortunately is still "looks like a TenTec"

73, de Hans, K0HB


Hi Hans;

I guess I've been away from contesting too long as I didnt realize that they 
gave points for how sexy the radio one is competing with looks! <g>

Seriously, if a radio yields the perfomance and flexiblility necessary for 
that competitive "edge" I couldnt care less what it looks like. And 
competition is why we all subscribe to this thread, right?

Nope, I am not a Ten Tec user/owner but the Orion certainly intirgues me.

Take care..see ya

73, Bob K8IA
Michigan USA

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