[CQ-Contest] Are you a WPX Plaque Sponsor?

kh6nd at lava.net kh6nd at lava.net
Tue Apr 16 18:02:49 EDT 2002


You can add 9 more CQ plaques that were won, and never received, from 
1997-2001 efforts at KH7R. 

Six for WPX, one for CQ 160, and last but not least, two of these were
the CQ WW World M/M combined trophies from 1997 and 1998.

Anyone else care to add to this list?


"Bill Fisher, W4AN" wrote:
> Still have not seen any of the 3 plaques I (we) supposedly won in the WPX
> CW and SSB contests.  One is four years old now.
> So, I'm curious if anyone is actually paying CQ for the plaques?  If so,
> where is the money going?
> 73
> Bill, W4AN
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