
i4jmy@iol.it i4jmy at iol.it
Wed Apr 17 19:06:49 EDT 2002

Checked UBN fles of last WWDX SSB.
Found removed QSOs and mults.
Used Writelog, all contest digitally recorded and easy to target and 
listen to verify each single doubt.
A number of bad QSO is instead Ok, but who knows if the other guy 
didn't forget to log or lost the qso with us typing wrong and the 
erasing with no memory...
OK also for the unavoidable limits of the checking system, nothing is 
Finally I like this checking way, also when good QSOs becomes a 
penalty, each medicine isn't "panacea" and has it's side effects.
Thanks CQ and WWDX contest committee for the big job and improvements, 
now it's thousand times better than what it was before and what happens 
isn't their sin.

What I don't like at all is instead to have discovered a particular 
mult & country and zone removed in 3 bands (80, 40 & 10).
I'm talking about a very known MultiOp top contest station that entered 
in our log probably with 
his "free_run_hunting_fox_illegal_same_band_station" since it did 
breaking our pile up (an easy to check thing when a record is 
available) and then removed the QSO, by purpose, I don't want to 
question why.
That's all folks, and I'll sleep fine in any case.

Mauri I4JMY (IR4T)

PS Do not ask me who that station is, if I didn't write here, it means 
I don't want to tell.

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