[CQ-Contest] 2002 Michigan QSO Party

Dave Pruett k8cc at comcast.net
Thu Apr 18 01:25:17 EDT 2002

This coming weekend is the Michigan QSO Party, sponsored by the Mad River 
Radio Club.  Complete rules can be found on the MRRC web site 
http://www.mrrc.net, but here are the basics:

Begins: 1600 UTC - 20 April 2002
Ends:   0400 UTC - 21 April 2002

A station can be worked once per band-mode (CW/SSB) on 80-10 
meters.  Non-MI stations work MI stations.  MI stations work anyone.  MI 
mobile stations can be worked again when they change counties.

Exchange: MI stations send QSO number and county.  Non-MI stations send QSO 
number and state/province, or "DX" for non-W/VE.

Multipliers: Counted once per mode (CW/SSB). MI stations count MI counties 
(83), states (49) and VE provinces (58).  Non-MI stations count MI counties.

Classes: Single-op (high, low and QRP power), multi-operator and mobile 
(100W only).

Logs should be submitted within 30 days to mqp at contesting.com or via postal 
mail to: MRRC, c/o Dave Pruett, K8CC, 2727 Harris Road, Ypsilanti, MI 48198.

Contest configuration files for the MiQP are available for NA, TRLog and 
WriteLog.  A demo version of the NA Contest Logging Program which supports 
MiQP and certain other state QSO parties is available for free from the 
DATOM Engineering web site at http://www.datomonline.com.

Since the MiQP contest format and rules were streamlined in 1999, activity 
has increased every year.  For the past two years, all 83 MI counties were 
on the air through a combination of mobiles and home stations.  For 2002, 
there will be least ten well-equipped mobile stations out roaming the MI 
countryside.  We'll publish a list of calls and the counties they plan to 
activate tomorrow evening.  Also, a number of club stations, including the 
well-known W8SH at Michigan State University and perhaps W8YY at Michigan 
Tech plan to be QRV.


Dave Pruett, K8CC

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