[CQ-Contest] FQP minus 5

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Wed Apr 24 16:12:16 EDT 2002

K4OJ continued:

>And Brett...yeah I might say something like 364 days til come Monday, =
>but I guess what I am ttying to say is that I will not be as frequent a =
>visitor to your in box as I have been since the WPX!

But if you don't, I'll probably cock things up & miss it... so keep up the good
work, mate.

Already have 280 bhp taxi with total nutcase driver booked & seat closest to
first exit door on B747-400 Combi reserved for fast exit upon arrival in HKG
in hopes I can be back home in time to defend the all-time greater China record
in FQP...

I trust others have their FQP plans equally sorted & will be ready to rock 'n
roll this weekend!

73, BW2/VR2BrettGraham

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