[CQ-Contest] ts-850

Sean D. Fleming k8khz at comcast.net
Tue Aug 27 21:53:40 EDT 2002

I went out and traded my TS-570 for a TS-850. I feel as though I have left the computer age for the stone age. So here are some questions.

1. only have one antenna post I have two antennas comming in there is only one but I see this recieve antenna mod. Is that just for recieve or can you transmit on it?

2. To have this hook into computer for like dxbase and have the vfo band and mode switched auto matically then what can I use. there is no rs232 port so how do you go about hooking it up then is there a  box to buy or what?

3. keying with a contest program what can I use to do this with I have rig blaster will that do the trick?

any other useful hints will be usefull thanks much.

Sean K8KHZ

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