[CQ-Contest] ts-850

Michael Brown k9mi at arrl.net
Wed Aug 28 00:18:22 EDT 2002

Sean, although you may feel like you stepped
backwards, you actually took a big step forward
in comparing a 570 to an 850 as a contest rig. 
I've had both. To connect to a pc for rig control,
there are several choices you can make. You
can build your own, or guys like W1GEE sells
them for about 40 bucks. Just do a search on
W1GEE and it will show his site. Same thing
goes for the cw keying. You can build a serial
interface with directions that usually come with
your logging software, or purchase interfaces
such as sold on the TRLog web site made by
W1WEF. There are 3 models that range from
$25 or so to around $50. In an actual contest,
I think you'll find the 850 is much better in 
handling the QRM then the 570. For CW use,
I had 2 400 hz Inrad filters in mine, and it worked
well. On the antenna part, I've never used 
seperate antennas for transmit and receive,
so I'm not much help there, but I have seen the
mod, so it can be done. Hang in there, because
you DID make the right decision.

73 - Mike K9MI

-------Original Message-------

From: Sean D. Fleming
Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 9:44:57 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] ts-850

I went out and traded my TS-570 for a TS-850. I feel as though I have left
the computer age for the stone age. So here are some questions.

1. only have one antenna post I have two antennas comming in there is only
one but I see this recieve antenna mod. Is that just for recieve or can you
transmit on it?

2. To have this hook into computer for like dxbase and have the vfo band and
mode switched auto matically then what can I use. there is no rs232 port so
how do you go about hooking it up then is there a box to buy or what?

3. keying with a contest program what can I use to do this with I have rig
blaster will that do the trick?

any other useful hints will be usefull thanks much.

Sean K8KHZ

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