[CQ-Contest] ARRL contest certificate redesign

Henderson, Dan N1ND dhenderson at arrl.org
Wed Aug 28 14:35:25 EDT 2002

After many years of service, were are retiring our old style landscape-format (horizontal) certificates and replacing them with sleek, sharp portrait-style (vertical) designs. The changeover has meant delivery delays, however.

To those awaiting certificates for several ARRL-sponsored operating events, please stand by. The basic artwork has been approved, and the Graphics Department is hard at work tweaking the final design and layout for the certificates.

We anticipate having the new certificates on hand, ready for labeling and mailing by the Contest Branch by mid-October. The new-style certificates will be used for all ARRL-sponsored HF and international events starting with the certificates for the 2001 ARRL 160 Meter Contest. New VHF/UHF certificates will debut with the 2002 June VHF QSO party. New ARRL November Sweepstakes certificates will be issued for the first time for the 2002 events.

In addition to the new certificates, we are also replacing the old-style ARRL June VHF QSO Party plaque with a more modern design. The artwork was selected from dozens of photos submitted by members and will feature a spectacular mountain sunrise from a rover's perspective. The new June plaques also are expected to be available by mid-fall. 

Thanks for your patience.  If you have questions, please contact me at n1nd at arrl.org or at 860-594-0232.


Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

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