[CQ-Contest] Field Day Logs Received Page available

Henderson, Dan N1ND dhenderson at arrl.org
Wed Aug 28 14:31:40 EDT 2002

Field Day 2002 logs received posted (Aug 28, 2002) -- The ARRL Contest Branch has announced that the logs submitted for Field Day 2002 have been posted on the Logs Received page on the ARRL Web site. Click on "2002 ARRL Field Day" under "Other Reports." Contact the ARRL Contest Branch (contests at arrl.org or 860-594-0232) if you spot errors or if your entry is missing. The Contest Soapbox page includes interesting photographs and stories from many Field Day groups. Feel free to share your group's photos and stories. 

Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

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