[CQ-Contest] Short calls-the solution

Michael Keane, K1MK k1mk at arrl.net
Thu Dec 5 01:37:13 EST 2002

At 10:26 AM 12/4/02, Ed Parish K1EP wrote:

>It's his loss.  Somehow sending an extra letter, e.g. KH2G seems worth it 
>to me.

In this case it was a temporary call. So the "cost" might be higher than 
just a single letter. Would having to send KH2/AA9WZ instead of K2G still 
seem to be worth it?

As long as the contest rules allow the choice, it's just one more variable 
element in coming up with a winning strategy.

Mike K1MK

Michael Keane, K1MK
k1mk at arrl.net 

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