[CQ-Contest] Misleading Calls

Bruce B. Sawyer zf2nt at candw.ky
Fri Dec 6 17:51:04 EST 2002

One more comment on callsigns, if anybody can stand more of this.

I just stumbled onto my log checking report on the ARRL web site from the
ARRL DX contest last February.  Here are two "busted" QSO's, along with the
original entry in my log:

LOG:  160CW  16-Feb-02 07:14 1194  KH6DX          599  599 Ca
LCR:  KH6DX is a DX callsign - being set as a dupe - 160M Line # 1194

LOG:  80CW  16-Feb-02 09:09 1444  KH6DX/M        599  599 Ca
LCR:  KH6DX/M is a DX callsign - being set as a dupe -  80M Line # 1443

I have begged this guy to let me log him as KH6DX/W6, and he absolutely
refuses to allow it.  He insists on either sending his call as is, or /M,
even though he gives CA as his state.  So after all the time spent arguing
with him, I logged it as he sent it.  Obviously, the ARRL won't accept that.
There's no way to win with this guy!  I wonder, if the roles were reversed,
if ARRL would also kick out K2G as a DX call for people in US/VE?

Bruce, ZF2NT

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