[CQ-Contest] Re: Misleading Calls

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Sun Dec 8 09:44:21 EST 2002

Frankly I don´t see the problem in this.
If we have rules that stipulates how the
station should identify there shouldn´t
be a problem, understand in ARRL contest
we have sutch rules.
1. Enforce the rules or if not
2. Remove the rule in question, if it isn´t
    enforced why have it?
3. Finaly, no problem any more.

73, soon Santa comes, Jim SM2EKM

Mike Gilmer, N2MG wrote:
> K8CC wrote:
>>N2MG's comment that logcheckers should know where people are simply is not
>>practical.  While we can read the DX bulletins and be aware of the big
>>expeditions, there are always unannounced operations, or operations by
>>people that aren't advertised.
> This isn't what I meant at all.
>>Liberal doses of judgement is required, but unless there is clear
>>data to the contrary, the entrant must be given the benefit of the doubt.
> Regardless of what the rules may state regarding what KH6DX *should* have
> been sending for an ID, is not the state field indicating "CA" data enough
> for questioning where KH6DX is (or may be)?  This is the example that
> sparked much of this discussion.  I don't think it takes any special manual
> handling to "learn who is where" (learn from the logs, NOT from some
> DXpedition list).  Again, respectfully, I suggest it's *just* another tweak
> to be added to the checking algorithms.
> 73 Mike N2MG

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