N7MAL n7mal at citlink.net
Sun Dec 8 11:43:54 EST 2002

During the 160 contest this weekend there were the usual mind-numbing
meaningless spots,  i.e. spotting everything you were working without adding
the section. A new wrinkle appeared, stations with multiple SSID's
(-1,-2,-3,etc)spotting exactly the same station, of course minus the section
info. I think it's time for the sysops to band together and end the practice
of stateside spotting stateside, and especially in stateside contests,  i.e.
SS & FD. There are many clusters not using ARC software and users can't
filter out these stateside spots. Even worse there are still many clusters
using RF and when one station makes exactly the same spot multiple times in
a row he really hammers the RF links, needlessly. We are supposed to be
self-policing let's start doing it.

MAL               N7MAL

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