[CQ-Contest] Mark V or mark V Field

Scott Nichols snichols at mvosprey.com
Fri Dec 13 11:41:42 EST 2002

Thanks to all who replied to my questions yesterday Re: Purchasing a 
Mark V or Mark V Field...Bigger response than I expected, guess there 
are lots of Yaesu fans here...

For those interested here are the results of the "poll"...

Of the 26 responses, 16 preferred the Mark V, 5 preferred Mark V Field, 
4 said they would take either one if Santa brought it (!!) and 1 related 
to something I'm still trying to decipher...

Biggest reason for preferring the Mark V ? 200 watts vs 100 watts (what 
I expected from a Contesting reflector!!)...Biggest reason for the Mark 
V Field ? Cheaper and the internal power supply...Results not 
surprising...My conclusion is that, according to people who have tried 
them, they are identical except for the power output and 
internal/external power supplies...That's what I wanted to know...

Mark V it is...Santa will be duly notified...

Thanks and 73,

Scott VE1OP

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