[CQ-Contest] W/VEs spotting W/VEs

David Robbins k1ttt at arrl.net
Fri Feb 22 00:48:42 EST 2002

> This past weekend I noticed W/VE stations (actually, Ws for the most
> spotting other W/VE stations over the DX spotting system.  (I'm not
> talking
> about K4MA, who I know was in 8P but spotting people under his call.)
> While
> I suppose there could be legitimate reasons for this, like spotting
> rare W/VE state/province, I hardly think IL or PA falls into that
> category.  Since in almost every case, the station doing the spotting
> in the same call area as the station being spotting, it would appear
> instead that these were attempts to attract DX stations to the
> of
> these particular W/VEs.

It could be that they were spotting friends because they know the spots
propagate around the world.  It can also be to populate bandmaps of
friendly club members so they know frequencies to stay away from when
looking for a place to call cq.

David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
web: http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net

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