[CQ-Contest] Re: So you think......???

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Wed Jan 9 11:21:29 EST 2002

>----- Original Message -----
>From: <ATanner283 at aol.com>
A second suggestion is to remove most if not all
>> results and DX honor rolls from QST and moving these to the ARRL
>> Journal only.
I agree with Hans, K0HB, that this is a terrible idea, but here's another
reason to add to his list.  The circulation of NCJ is only about 2500 every
other month.  This obviously cannot begin to meet the needs of the
contesting community for information on ARRL contests.  If ARRL were to do
this, it is not difficult to imagine that the circulation of NCJ would go
up somewhat (maybe even double!) but that the circulation of QST would drop
by several times that amount.  Does this make business sense?

Ah, you say, they could put the results on the Internet.  But if access
were restricted to members only, this would not begin to meet the needs of
the world contesting community.  If the results were made generally
available, the impact on QST would be even more serious, but probably
without any bump in NCJ's circulation.

I venture the thought that, as a group, contesters spend more per capita
per year on radio equipment than any other similarly large group within the
ARRL membership.  We need to let our directors, the ARRL management, and
QST's advertisers know what we think.

73, Pete N4ZR

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