[CQ-Contest] Proposed QST changes, Hit 'em where it Hurts $$$

Ragnar Otterstad otterstad at enter.vg
Sun Jan 13 23:51:59 EST 2002

I wonder if the ARRL has ever considered moving its
operations from Connecticut, the most expensive place
to live in the US to somewhere else?  A site with a lower
cost of living would make the salaries much more
competitive. The initial cost of the move would be
high, but I'd bet some well-to-do ham in the midwest
has a building that is in need of occupancy.

A thought.

73, Scott N9AG

As one who has been doing business with a company in Hartford for many years
and been visiting regularly , I think it is fair to say that this is not an
expensive area. With all the insurance companies gone and what is left of
manufacturing, it cannot possibly be a high salary area.  Housing did not
sound too bad either.


Rag Otterstad    LA5HE also JW5HE OZ8RO
located in Telemark - home of skiing.

My antenna "farm" can be found on HTTP://no.photos.yahoo.com/la5he when you
click on  Radio.

Take a look at: http://WWW.visitTelemark.com

or  http://www.visitnorway.com

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