Fw: [CQ-Contest] Contest Annual

Ford Peterson ford at cmgate.com
Sun Jan 13 20:26:21 EST 2002

 Rick Bullton wrote:

 > >
 > Oh yea great idea. We get the results free in QST or free on the website.
 > Now they want to publish the same info and charge us how much for
 > Putting on the web site with more info than we get now is a good idea but
 > taking out of QST and making us pay extra for it I don't think will fly.
 > I for one will not pay for it.

 I was never left with that impression from Mr. Bellows.  You guys have this
 built-in hatred of the ARRL and the administration.  Have you ever met these
 people?  You elected them.  Better yet, run for something useful instead of
 standing around and bitching about the price of your last field day pin.
 From my experience the ARRL staff devote an enourmous amount of their time
 and effort to further the cause (oh great, more hate mail).  Rather than
 throwing axes at anything that moves, try making some positive suggestions.
 Don't just stand there making the rest of us listen to you mindlessly
moving your lips, do something constructive!

 You assume that the annual will exclude all other media.  Did you read
 something I did not?  Never have I been left with the impression that the
 ARRL hates contests, contesters, their scores, their mothers, or anybody
 else.  The ARRL is not the anti-Christ guys.  I believe they want the best
 for the ham bands and those that exploit them--that would be us boys and

 The "annual" or "yearbook"  was never a best seller in high school.  I
 seriously doubt anybody ever bought an annual unless their picture was in
 it.  I seriously doubt anybody would buy this annual unless their name and
 callsign was in it.  We are discussing culture.  What makes sense for
 contesting culture?  Does an annual make sense in addition to all the other
 media mentioned.  Rick said he would not buy it.  I don't blame him.  But
 there may be some hard-core enter every contest known types that would love
 a nicely done annual for the shelf.

 Other posts have foolishly assumed that there would be no mention of
 contesting in QST.  Who said that?  Better yet, let's invent all kinds of
 silly accusations and just tear the ARRL down as much as possible.  The
ARRL is not the anti-Christ guys, get a grip!

 The pictures of contests, the exotic locations, the equipment, the sweat
and  tears that goes into contesting, these are the topics that will bring
people  to contesting, not the fine-print mention of KC9### with 100 Qs and a score
 of 400.  I believe the ARRL wants to deliver the best quality information
to participants.  It's entertainment guys.  They know it.  There isn't room in
 QST to make it entertaining.  Figure it out.  It's culture.  What do you
 want the tradition and the culture to be like?

 Beam me up Scotty.  I'm through trying to communicate with the evil aliens
that haunt this list.

 ford at cmgate.com

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