[CQ-Contest] Dayton Hamvention & Contest/DX activity there?

Ron Klein - W0OSK w0osk at ix.netcom.com
Sun Jan 13 20:23:39 EST 2002

I've been told that in the past there are various Contesting/DXing 
events (banguet(s) and whatever else) that occur at the Crowne 
Plaza Hotel in Dayton.

Anybody know what's scheduled there for Hamvention 2002. I 
managed to book a room there for the XYL and myself for our first 
Hamvention trip (after 42 years licensed, it's about time I go!). While 
I haven't been real active in recent years, DXing/Contesting is still 
where my interests are focused.

Anybody have any information?


Ron - W0OSK
w0osk at ix.netcom.com

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