[CQ-Contest] HA DX RULES

Szabo Tibor ANICO Ltd. tibor at anico.hu
Tue Jan 22 08:48:59 EST 2002

Hi OMs,

this is Tibor, HG4I from Hungary.

It's very uncomfortable that my call sign was edited in
sk3bg web site as "up-to-date-informator" of new rules
of HA DX Contest.

I celebrate with my full responsibility, that I
didn't sent to Jan (SM3CER) the text of new rules!

Well I sent two informations for contesters to Jan:
- the e-mail address (for this year only) of contest manager,
- the HA DX Club member list (up to dated by HA3UU - thanks)
   for check the multiplier

Both informations was - before mailing - coordinated with
relevants persons by phone (HA3UU and HA1TJ).
Of course I take upon oneself all responsibility
for informations from me.

I pleased Jan yesterday by e-mail to delete my call
sign from the web page.

Dear my contester-friends!
Please notice my voice! I'm very sorry too for this mistake.

That's all....


Carbon copy to: HA1TJ HA DX contest manager (2002)

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