[CQ-Contest] Choosing a contest QTH.

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Mon Jan 28 11:23:24 EST 2002

In a message dated 1/28/02 7:08:13 AM Pacific Standard Time, f5vhn at yahoo.com 

> How did you choose your contest site ?
>  Maybe my question was too open, as I got no response
>  first time around.

    You might want to post your question on TowerTalk - the tower and HF 
antenna construction reflector. The chaps there are conversant in these kinds 
of questions and have useful experience with terrain analysis software, 
incoming and outgoing wave angles, and practical contest/DX participation. 

    Send a message to towertalk-request at contesting.com with <subscribe> in 
the message. Reply to the subscribe confirmation and you'll be all set. Let 
me know if you have any problems. 

    There are also archives at www.contesting.com.

Steve    K7LXC
Tower Tech 

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