[CQ-Contest] FW: [SCR-L] University Participation

Dale L Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Mon Jan 28 18:42:28 EST 2002

Each year, in February, the School Club Roundup contest takes place.  This
5-day, 24-hour max operating limit, contest involves school clubs/groups,
club stations and individual stations operating in a contest mode to make
Q's, Mults, fun, etc.

I've operated from our club station at work and it is a lot of fun--of
course, being W5RRR at Johnson Space Center has the advantage of being
'domestic DX.'   Most of the QSO's with the schools do go to the rag chew

Check out what Allan and the Carl Hayden HS students are doing for the
upcoming SCR.

dale, kg5u

  -----Original Message-----
[mailto:dale.l.martin1 at jsc.nasa.gov]
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 09:55
  To: KG5U (E-mail)
  Subject: FW: [SCR-L] University Participation

  send to contest reflector
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Allan Cameron [mailto:acameron at hayden.edu]
  Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 6:26 AM
  To: SCR-L at yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [SCR-L] University Participation

  To the good people of higher ed who are toying with the idea of
participating in the SCR,

  Although Carl Hayden HS will do its best to have a higher score than any
other station, including those at universities, our primary goal is to have
a great time for our student operators and show off radio operations as a
positive and fun activity.

  So... We are aware of our QSO rate, but a lot of times the kids start
chatting with someone just because they want to.  That's the neat part of
the SCR.  Just contest until you want to rag chew.  We even hear from some
of our alumni.  It's great.  We have 11 new hams who have never done
anything like this before.

  We also put our station, field day style, in a major hallway.  Literally
thousands see and hear us.  We have a display of countries, states, etc that
we have worked.  Quite a few students, teachers, parents, and staff listen
and ask questions.  We get a lot of interest from many students who had no
idea that our school has a amateur radio club, let alone what we do.  Some
will attend our next meeting.

  Nicholas Radtke,KC7MOD radtken at aztec.asu.edu and James McDonald, KC7EFP,
kc7efp at home.com are our alumni and currently are two officers of the Arizona
State University Ham Club, W7ASU.  They have also taken the approach of
making the contest operation visible.  They set up a station on the campus
mall (AZ weather is great in Feb) so the campus can see radio in action.  I
think their web site has more photos and information.

  Anyway, you may want to look at the SCR not as a kid's contest, but rather
an opportunity to display the fun of radio contesting and allowing "newbies"
to get on the air. Send a press release to the campus paper.  Invite the
School president.  Arrange a sked with the FBI station, or ARRL.  Wouldn't
it be cool if the ISS guys made some contacts.  Tap the alumni for pizza.

  If you can only do it for two hours -- do it.  It's kind of like golf or
fishing: no one really does it for the score.

  And of course the real reason that your school should participate:  work
KC7KFF.  We need the multiplier!

  Allan Cameron, N7UJJ
  Carl Hayden Community High School, KC7KFF
  Phoenix, AZ

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