[CQ-Contest] Not Another Contest Category

Dale L Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Mon Jan 28 21:07:41 EST 2002

> > Second radio = $1000
> Yep, a second radio is definitely needed.  But a lot (most?) of us
> already have an extra rig lying around the shack...use it.
True AND it doesn't need to be an exotic,
top-of-the-line-or-anywhere-near-that radio.

> > Second amp = $500
> Only if you're running high power....and then it's not required.
> > Decent antenna for each band. Cost varies, depending on what you
> > already have.
> Now that one is the biggie.  But if you've already got monobanders,
> you're in good shape.  Triband types will have to put some more
> thought into it.
I've got two tribanders (70' and 40' (fixed NW)), a 12avq triband
ground-mounted vertical, a 40m Inv Vee, 80m Half-sloper and 160m Inv L.

During the last NAQP CW Contest, when I did 2R (I don't do it all the time;
just when the CQ or S&P rate drops) I was CQ'ing on the tribanders and
S&P'ing with the vertical.  It worked great.  Stations I called on the
vertical heard me generally first call.  According to the rate meter, I
broke 90 per hour a few times and broke 110 once!!  Oh yeah, I was operating

I don't think you need an exotic, hi-gain antenna for the second radio.  You
don't need to be BIG when S&P'ing.

dale, kgu

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