[CQ-Contest] making lemonade (was: ARRL report on line scores decision)

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Fri Jul 26 08:19:33 EDT 2002

At 10:24 PM 7/25/02 -0400, Tim Totten, N4GN wrote:
>I'm certainly hard pressed to dream
>up even a wild hypothetical scenario where the difference between a 15-day
>and 30-day submission window would make any difference to me.  And the
>goal of greatly reducing the time to report the results is certainly a
>worthy one.
>So I'm very much in favor of implementing a 15-day submission window,
>starting with this year's SS.

I wouldn't mind 15 days either, but I can't, for the life of me, figure out 
why that should improve timeliness of result delivery by more than 15 
days.  Put another way, all of what Trey proposes could be implemented just 
as well if the deadline remained 30 days.

73, Pete N4ZR

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