[CQ-Contest] New log deadline for ARRL contests?

Jeff Stai WK6I wk6i at twistedoak.com
Thu Jun 6 21:42:51 EDT 2002

At 04:04 PM 6/6/2002, Blake M. Meinecke wrote:
>N5OT writes
>> Here are a few examples:
>> Let's say I switched bands on the radio but forgot to switch bands on the
>> program.  I think I owe it to everyone to go through and do all the
>> damage control.
>This one might be legitimate, but why wait till afterward??  I do it when
>it's still fresh in my head (after a break, or between the next band

I keep a paper notepad next to my operating position to keep track of things 
like this to go back and fix later.

Better to do it later in calm moment than in the heat of battle...

>> Let's say I misspelled a guy's name - at the moment the rules don't say I
>> can't go in and correct it later.
>..... Or just look up the correct spelling on QRZ.com???  Log checking
>software is pretty advanced.  I might be wrong, but aren't some mistakes
>errred on the side of "typos" anyway??? (depending on the contest)

I'd rather go back and fix it than depend on the kindness of the log 
checkers (no offence meant to any log checkers!-).

I will correct obvious misteaks - if the name entered is "jefg" I know it 
should be "jeff" - UNLESS I make a note of the unusual name in my paper 
notes. This works for me, anyway.


73 - jeff wk6i

Jeff Stai       Twisted Oak Winery LLC
Email           jds at twistedoak.com
Amateur Radio   WK6I
ROC Web Page    http://www.rocstock.org/

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