[CQ-Contest] Future of the HF contesting

Zoltan Szoke ha5pp at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 16 23:02:13 EDT 2002

Hi Contesters,

There was a pretty good condx (20 and 15 m) during
AA-DX CW (and WPX CW also) but sorry there were not
enough participans. Or there were lots of
"participans" with NO activity, only looked clusters
for some rare country and do not give a little QSO to
avid contest stations. I saw ages in AA-DX CW, all
(90-95 %) conesters gave me over 36 years (I gave 40.)
I think that Asia is "old". After 20 years will not be
contesters there, or most of Asians will give 56, 66,
58, 78, 87, 95 101... How about this in USA and EU??

Congrats to W1PL, Laci (Laci bacsi), I heard his
number is 90. Long live Laci bacsi, long live ham


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