[CQ-Contest] More Contest Spots

Jamie Dupree ns3t at arrl.net
Thu Mar 14 17:11:15 EST 2002

My first note raised questions about why my call (NS3T)
had been found as "spotting" YP3A during a recent contest.
It prompted a number of responses and led to some further
investigation, albeit on a very limited basis.

K1TTT ran the database of the spots from DX summit for
the two ARRL DX contests, focusing on spots that came
from "unique" calls - meaning that station only spotted one
DX station during the entire contest.

I quickly reviewed spot data for only three stations, simply
because they had come out on top of K1TTT's review:
PY2NDX, S53M and UA9YAB.

PY2NDX had over 40 spots during the ARRL SSB contest.
Three of the calls are not active.

W8GKL     21306.0 PY2NDX         PY0035 02 Mar 2002
WB0YUI    21306.0 PY2NDX         PY0051 02 Mar 2002
WB2GHJ    21408.6 PY2NDX         PY2233 02 Mar 2002

What is interesting is that W8GKL and WB0YUI were the
first two spots for PY2NDX for the contest, both in the first hour.
and both from calls that are not active.

S53M is a different animal.  I did not find any bad US calls,
but there were a number of spots from foreign DX during
the contest, including several with S5 calls.  There were also
an inordinate number of spots by W3LPL.

UA9YAB raises many more questions.  In the ARRL CW
contest, there were not that many spots:

N7UJZ     28092.9 UA9YAB      arrl         UA90144 16 Feb 2002
W6AGH   28093.9 UA9YAB                    UA90234 16 Feb 2002
WB0WQS 28093.0 UA9YAB                   UA90240 16 Feb 2002
N7HIY     28015.4 UA9YAB      test         UA90318 16 Feb 2002
W7WAS   28044.9 UA9YAB                   UA90331 16 Feb 2002
VA3DX    28081.1 UA9YAB                    UA91158 16 Feb 2002
WN9O     28062.5 UA9YAB                    UA91306 16 Feb 2002
N7HIY     28073.0 UA9YAB      test         UA90237 17 Feb 2002
W0ETC    28073.1 UA9YAB                    UA90239 17 Feb 2002
N8NR      28073.0 UA9YAB      Zone 18  UA90300 17 Feb 2002
KK1S      28047.0 UA9YAB      cq z18     UA91118 17 Feb 2002
K1NU      28152.4 UA9YAB                     UA91351 17 Feb 2002

Four of the calls had only one spot during the contest:  the first two,
N7UJZ, W6AGH along with W7WAS and KK1S.  All are active.

In the ARRL DX, UA9YAB had 13 unique spots.

N7UJX     28444.0 UA9YAB                     UA90123 02 Mar 2002
KC7WL     28505.0 UA9YAB                    UA90149 02 Mar 2002
W7YCB     28505.0 UA9YAB      big signal ARRL z18    UA90248 02 Mar 2002
W6TGM     28505.0 UA9YAB      big sigs from z18 Siberia  UA90409 02 Mar 2002
KB1VC     28555.0 UA9YAB      arrl           UA91234 02 Mar 2002
W0WSX     28618.0 UA9YAB                     UA91314 02 Mar 2002
K1WSC     28625.0 UA9YAB                      UA91441 02 Mar 2002
K7ZNC     28515.0 UA9YAB                       UA90154 03 Mar 2002
K7YUH     28515.0 UA9YAB      big signal from z18  UA90421 03 Mar 2002
W1MVZ     28465.0 UA9YAB                      UA91144 03 Mar 2002
W1TOS     28580.0 UA9YAB                       UA91236 03 Mar 2002
K5TCX     28580.0 UA9YAB      cq test        UA91249 03 Mar 2002
K5TXZ     28434.0 UA9YAB                         UA91336 03 Mar 2002

If you notice, the first two spots of both contests were uniques - and the
first call was almost identical, N7UJZ (CW) - N7UJX (SSB).

BUT..what raises more questions is that the following calls did not show
up when I checked the FCC database:

K5TCX, K5TXZ.     None of those are listed as active.

Add to all that the following two spots by UA9YAB:

UA9YAB-@ 28555.8 UA9YAB  cq for sked with vo2wl    1524 02 Mar 2002
UA9YAB     3788.0 UA9YAB      cq arrl QSX3812.0          UA91207 03 Mar 2002

I invite more hams to check to see if their calls have "spotted" stations
during contests.  VR2BG pointed out that somehow ZF2MM had
spots made by his own call K9PG.  I checked, and there were
four of those.  He didn't do that - but someone else did.

All of this information was gathered from the DX Summit database

Jamie NS3T

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