[CQ-Contest] Top 10 Contests???

Igor sokolov ua9cdc at r66.ru
Sat Mar 16 11:55:20 EST 2002

Russian DX contest starts in 4 hours from now. See the details and results
on www.rdxc.org
According to the statistics on that site there were 6500 participants and
over 1200 logs sent last year. The yearly increase inthe number of
participants is about 25%. There are very few contests that can boast over
1000 logs sent. Hope this year there will be more participants from North
See you in the contest. We will be MS as RF9C on all bands.

73, Igor UA9CDC

> I have a question that I am sure that many of you veteran contest ops can
> answer to a "beginner".  What are the top 10 most "popular" contests to
> operate in.  In checking the contest calendars, there are a LOT of 'em to
> chose from!  I am sure that CQ WW, CQ WPX, ARRL DX, and ARRL SS are
> the "top 4", but what are the others that have the most participation?
> 10m, IOTA, ??????
> TNX es 73
> Dennis - WB0WAO
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