[CQ-Contest] Re: Linears in the closet
Soro Roberto
roberto.soro at sia.it
Wed Mar 20 18:25:59 EST 2002
Bob,I2WIJ (also IR2V in contest)
mailto:i2wij at qsl.net
> -----Original Message-----
> From: KL7RA [mailto:kl7ra at blizzard.gcgo.nasa.gov]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 11:03 PM
> To: Ragnar Otterstad; DF3KV at aol.com; aa4lr at arrl.net;
> cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Re: Linears in the closet
> Peter writes:
> >The reason why stations from Italy are louder in the states
> then other
> >Europeans are simply the better location.
> Rag writes:
> >Peter, you are partly right. We have the same situation in a
> small country
> >like Norway. If the country had been turned upside down the
> North Cape
> >would have been in North-Africa
> Here in this part of the world Italy is always louder then
> most other Europe
> stations. They usually come crashing through any pile we may
> have. They
> seem to have propagation to Alaska for 24 hours a day on 20
> meters during
> the good times. I have seen Paul, NL7V, who speaks Italian,
> work "I" stations
> for hours on end here during the multi-op contests.
> England seems to have the weakest path to this part of the world.
> The other countries all have a few stations that seem to be
> louder then their
> countrymen, contest after contest, as location and good
> antennas makes a big
> difference no matter where you operate.
> Italy has a lot of hams in a good area of the world for
> radio. They probably have
> more then their fair share of good near sea water locations.
> All this probably
> makes contesting a little more fun which adds incentive to
> put up better antennas,
> etc. The "big" amp stories probably comes from the local
> internal battles among
> those that need to be louder then anyone else. Same as we
> have here in the U.S.
> 73 Rich KL7RA
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