[CQ-Contest] dit dit dit dit

Prof. Dr. Andreas Gissel gissel at fh-ludwigshafen.de
Tue May 14 10:41:45 EDT 2002

On the other hand, be careful trying to optimize your call by maximizing the
dah's in your suffix, hi. That's what I got, and sending this in CW tests is
no fun, too. Might reduce the error-rate, however, it takes a lot of time to
send the call even if you go QRQ ;-)

Vy 73 de Andy, DL3YBM

you wrote:

Back in the 70's I thought it was real cool to have a call sign with my
in the suffix.

Since then I have been increasingly concerned that I have a horrible call
for CW
contests, due to the large number of dits in the suffix.

Just examined my LCR for last November ARRL SS contest.  I found that 28
stations busted my callsign in their log, and in _EVERY_ case they dropped
or more 'dits', getting calls like K0SB, K0HD, or K0SD.  Since I use CT to
my transmitter, the busts can't be attributed to sending errors.

Moral of the story?  Get a call with a lack of dits in the suffix.


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