[CQ-Contest] My first SS...

Chris Hurlbut c_hurlbut at adelphia.net
Tue Nov 5 10:21:31 EST 2002

Reading the thread about the gentlemen who "put his key back in the box" has
caught me thinking back.

SS CW was my very FIRST contest back when I was barely a general class, and
about 11 or 12 years old.  I thought I would try my hand at this contest...
everyone said it was "the best."  Saturday came along, and I was ready.  I
had my program on the computer (one I had never used before), my paddle,
high spirits, and the radio.  I was good to go!  After a busy saturday, I
got on the air a few hours after the start.  I decided I would give out a
couple CQ's at my poky speed of about 13wpm.  This was going to be great!
Back then you couldn't even think about 15 or 10 meters in Alaska, so I hit

After the first CQ, it was chaotic.  I felt like everyone in the whole US
was calling!  Not only were they calling, but they were calling FAST.
REALLY FAST!!  I caught a partial call.  I answered him.  Hey wait a
minute... all those guys can't be the one I called!  So I called him again.
I got his call, and send the report... that seems to take about 10 minutes.
Now he sends his report to me.  SLOW DOWN MAN I CAN'T TYPE THAT FAST!!! THIS
PROGRAM SUCKS!!!  AAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!  So I ask for a repeat... he
slows down.  OK I think I got it.  Time for another one.

The pileup has grown.

After about 10 minutes of yelling at the computer, getting frustrated at
operators not slowing down, and calling constantly over one another, I gave
up.  I quit.  Forget this contest thing!  If someone can't slow down for me,
I don't want to work them.  I'm just a kid in Alaska!!!

I try it again on Sunday.  I try calling guys, not CQing.  They slow down
for the most part.  They are probably happy to work Alaska.  I think I have
the program figured out, and my ears are "tuned" to the report.  I try CQing
again, and the pileup sounds even bigger!!  Great... here we go again.
After a few minutes of that nonsense, I quit while I'm ahead.  I was pretty
turned off from contests after that, at least from SS. :)

But obviously I didn't put the key away!  I just calmed down, and came back
later not so pissed off.  Hopefully the person who made the previous
comments will come back later, a little more level headed.

-Chris KL9A

p.s.  I think starting off "newbies" with Fone SS is a very bad idea... I
don't know why so many people do it with such a complicated contest report!

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