[CQ-Contest] 80M DX window???

Charley Schwartz charley at net1plus.com
Mon Nov 18 14:34:22 EST 2002

I would give it a vote for "Pro DX" and not for the "Anti Contest". I chase DX 
and contest but do stay out of the 75M (3.790-3.800) during contests and out 
of the 160M DX window (1.830-1.835) unless calling DX. This is a courtsey to 
the other operators throughout the world who are not partaking in contests 
such as the domestic US/VE SS contests. It is easy to forget that 1KW on 75 to 
a dipole or an inverted vee is much more effective as a transmitter than as a 
reciever when looking for a clear run spot. (Thus the "alligator" effect .. 
Big mouth no ears). Although the band may seem dead to a station with minimal 
recieve antennas it is not dead for the stations who do chase DX on 75 meters 
with effective recieve antennas. In my personal  experience the DXers do not 
mind vacating either the 75 or the 160 DX window for the major worldwide 
contests (CQWW and ARRL DX). Charley W1TE

>===== Original Message From "Kelly Taylor" <ve4xt at mb.sympatico.ca> =====
>I'm curious: to what extent is the DX Window thing pro-DX vs. anti-contest?
>73, kelly

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