[CQ-Contest] No DX in SS, please!

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mb.sympatico.ca
Sun Oct 13 07:00:53 EDT 2002

One of the things I love about SS is it is the great propagation equalizer.

Sure, WP3R gets better prop than anybody, but SS is still a contest where
you don't need to be somewhere along an ocean to win and where even modest
antennas can still provide some fun.

I also think the Sunday doldrums are one of the challenges of SS. The ops
who win find ways to beat them. That's just good competition that makes SS
more than a rate fest.

I don't mean to trash any DX contest. I still think they're fun. But if we
can patiently tolerate (and we do) the propagationally advantaged opening
intercontinental paths hours earlier than us and closing them hours later
than us, they can give us SS.

DX would kill the appeal of SS, nevermind the challenges of working through
the exchange. (How would you get an ARRL/RAC section out of somebody in
Bulgaria, anyway?)

73, kelly,

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