[CQ-Contest] Re: Do we need new spectrum...was out of bands operation

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 31 13:37:01 EST 2002

I think that we should go below 3700 to 3650 at least.
 Here is one reason why.  On other bands, like 40, 15,
10, and even 20 (without the novice band), the
convention is to have 100 kc for CW operation, then a
novice band, and then phone operation.  Well on the 80
meter band we have 100 kc for CW operation, and then
another 75 kc until we get to the novice band.  We
should at least take advantage of that extra unused

73s John NE0P

--- Cqtestk4xs at aol.com wrote:
> Following up what NE0P prosposed.
> My wife is currently studying for her tech and is
> also working on her code to 
> get it up to 5 WPM.  She's asked me, who operates on
> the subbands on 80, 40 
> 15 and 10 that are reserved for the tech with the
> code endorsement?  My 
> honest answer was....almost no one.  It's a waste of
> spectrum.  I have never 
> understood why the US was a second class citizen on
> the parts of the bands 
> "reserved for the rest of the world" on SSB.  Maybe
> it made sense back in the 
> early 60s when I got my license because for the most
> part the US was gifted 
> with all the great equipment and so forth...but not
> any more.  It is a 
> necessary part of spectrum that should be opened up
> the US ops.
> We have tons of guys from 14.150 up and  a vast
> wasteland from 14.100-14.150. 
>  The same is true on 15, 40 and 75.  Yup, I am
> primarily a phone op, but I do 
> cw too.  However, this is not about ssb Vs cw.  The
> cw guys aren't using 
> it...especially 14.100-14.150.  It's just a common
> sense thing that should 
> have evolved a long time ago.  And no, I'm not
> talking about invading any 
> areas below 3700, 7100, 14100, 21100 or 28300.
> OK, be gentle with the flames.
> Bill  K4XS

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