[CQ-Contest] Re: QSO Party Spam

Tripp Owens trippowens at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 8 10:10:09 EDT 2003

QSO Parties should be advertised as much as someone is
willing to advertise them.  After K4OJs hype about
FQP, I was disappointed to find that I was going to be
out of town and away from a rig for last years FQP,
but I am pumped about getting on for this years
running to see what all the excitement is all about! 
NCQP was talked up pretty hard in eastern NC last
year, and several locals got on, but it seemed like
the fire wasn't there this year.

Tripp, N4NTO

>    2. Re: QSO Party Spam
> Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 12:36:57 -0400
> From: <ku8e at bellsouth.net>
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: QSO Party Spam
> Message-ID:
<20030407163657.FOWK23525.imf41bis.bellsouth.net at mail.bellsouth.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 2
>  Hi,
>  I see no problem with K4OJ's posts about the FQP. I
> think his enthusiasm about FQP makes people want to
> to get on and work the contest. Nothing wrong with
> that. If you are tired of reading Jim's post then
> just hit your <delete> button.
> I was a past director of the Ohio QSO Party and most
> people don't realize how much work you have do do if
> you want to have a SUCESSFUL qso party. You need
> to market your contest as much as you can - both
> inside and outside the state if you want to suceed..
>  I am against any rules about what you can post on
> this reflector as long as it's "contest" related.
>                               73's Jeff KU8E
> ps :  Please look for us in the Georgia QSO Party
> this coming weekend. I will be rovering with K4BAI
> around SW Georgia. I will also be rovering around
> Florida
> a couple weeks after that with W8UE in the FQP.....

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