[CQ-Contest] NAQP CW prop forcast pathetic

KH6DV at cs.com KH6DV at cs.com
Fri Aug 1 15:49:52 EDT 2003

This morning before she left for work my wife Caroline (NH6PR) asked me to 
"run my little propagation program thingy"  (thats what she said, really) and 
tell her when her chances on 10 meters would be best.  This morning the 
K7RA/ARRL propagation forecast arrived via email.  The K-Index forecast for the 
contest period is pathetic at best.  Here we go again, this looks like another 
contest where the propagation starts to clear up shortly after the contest is over. 
 W6EL says she can work any W4/W5 who has 32 or more elements somewhere 
between 2030 and 2130Z.  Most other call areas arrant even listed with a "D" 
confidence level time period, not even W6/W7.  
Given the fact that she only has an advance license and is restricted to the 
portion of the band above 025, I don't expect any big numbers out of this 
adventure. Anyone hear any KH6 activity on 28 lately, or maybe the KH6WO beacon?  
>From out here this may well turn into another one of those two band (20/40) 
contests.  I have listened to the 28 and 21 Mhz beacons for the last two days, 
nothing on 28 but the 21 Mhz beacon from NY and Ca is weak but readable. The 
South American beacons are always there.  

Good luck to everyone this weekend, don't let frustration take advantage of 


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